Don't tell me what I can't do. Tell me what the challenge is.

Berton Braley's thoughts on life at the age of fifty
If it is a good party I don't want to miss any of it, if it is a dull party there is always the chance that something my happen to make it good. And if that doesn't happen, you might gather a few indefatigable souls together out of the guest list and organize "something else again" to save the evening.

I believe that any system that works is a good system, bad as it may be, and that capitalism does the job of feeding, housing and clothing people -at its worst- better than any other system that has been tried. I believe in the Revolution, just as sincerely as any communist, but think it is a gradual and not violent change that grows out of normal conditions.

I'm conventional because it's simpler to be so, and when it isn't simpler, I'm unconventional.

I have had a lot of fun, some tragedy, and one serious purpose in life -to carol and chronicle as best I can, the romance, the adventure, the gallantry and the everlasting courage of that fallible, stupid, fumbling and indomitable biped -Man.